
Flyer information:

Linda is founder and director of Center of Awakened Health (COAH) in North Carolina, USA.  She has over 40 years hands-on experience as a health professional in the alternative field of “Holistic Health.”

Disease is simply congested energy – linda

Linda has presented seminars in 5 countries thus far, reaching out to fellow practitioners, healers, and those seeking to take conscious responsibility for their health. She has developed Three Certification Training programs which includes an extensive handout manual.
→ Contact COAH for scheduled dates.

 Esoterically speaking, as conscious awareness expands, the body is seen more as a “unified whole” and our perspectives of medicine become simpler and more reasonable” – linda

Level I Seminar – 2 days

  • All clients invited
  • Required experience for beginner students planning to go through the advanced Level II 11-day certification program
  • Held from 10AM to 4:30PM EST Saturday and Sunday, twice per year, here at COAH
  • Lunch is provided on both days (all organic meals and juices)
  • $180 total for both days, including lunches (if held at COAH)

“You will come away with an understanding that many conditions have their root cause in acidity, toxicity and inherent weaknesses. Gaining the knowledge to help reverse these root causes is the main intent of this Level 1 seminar. Much practical guidance is presented, and the Handouts Folder and Recipe Book provided are valuable teaching tools.                                                                                                                                           We must always keep in mind that there is an ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ cause of disease. During this seminar the emphasis is on reversing the outer cause (physical-environmental). It is for us to understand, however, that the inner cause (emotional-mental-etheric bodies) can be a predisposition for illness in the physical vehicle.”  – linda

The objective for Level 1 is to understand:

  • basic nutrition for the support of health and wellness
  • the distinction between a detoxification protocol and a lifestyle protocol
  • the detoxification pathway
  • the distinction between alkalinity and acidity
  • the great lymphatic system and its underlying contribution to health or disease
  • the distinction between complex sugars carbs and simple sugar carbs
  • the use and nature of Superfood
  • the use and nature of cellular botanical formulas for “cleansing” and “regeneration”
  • the QRA Testing and its introduction as a useful tool that informs which botanicals are needed
  • the endocrine (hormone) system and its connection to the emotional body and how we can support the health of this system without hormone therapy
  • the distinctions between protein, fat and carbohydrate foods and their use in the body

Linda and student at Level 1 Seminar in Romania

Level II: 11-Day Certification program

Over the past 40 years, many fellow sisters and brothers in the health field have come as guest to “shadow Linda” and gather whatever benefits their practice. After many years of doing this, we felt it time to organize an  “Advanced Certification Program” of natural health, for practitioners and qualified helper-healers.

The 11-day training sessions are separated into two segments: 6-day session and 5-day session. This provides time between sessions for review of manual, and QRA practice.

The intent is to provide the student with what they need to set up a practice (if desired) as a QRA Practitioner specializing in holistic health practices, which comes after the required completion of Level I and Level II training. This includes teaching from A-Z what we do here at COAH (including basic anatomy-physiology, chemistry and physics), and a look at the body as an integrating collective conscious energy system.

PLEASE READ → “About our School”


The 2024 COAH Manual

Requirements for Level II Certification:

  • Accurate demonstration of a comprehensive “QRA Testing”
  • Passing a course Exam
  • Four “shadowing” experiences with Linda during new client QRA Testing & Consultation.                          There is a true need for sincere “healers”, grounded and assured in their understanding of how to support and educate others. 

When the heart is sincere, it is easy to be inspired.
A natural enthusiasm comes with the prospect of
learning to truly serve others.    –    linda

A professional Manual provided for Level II students, documenting and organizing lessons and practices.

“Beautifully organized, but much more than that, the content is so thorough and valuable that it promises to be a terrific resources to all of your students. Bravo!”    – Renee (proof-reader)


Continued Support after completion of Level II
Linda is always available to support and answer questions before, during, and after the Level II experience.

Testomonies about our school: 

“The opportunity to study under Linda Sheer is one of a lifetime. Linda’s commitment to her work, and commitment to bringing health and awareness into the lives of her clients is unparalleled. I received more applicable knowledge during my certification program with Linda than any other schooling or program I have experienced. Linda shares her expertise in a way that allows it to be embodied. The teachings are lived, which results in the ability to utilize the information and apply it to the lives of my clients immediately. This has been one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had the opportunity to receive.”

Brandon Barkley
Recovery Integration Coach

Click on: More testimonies about our school… 


Linda, talking to a small group at a healing center in the jungle of Peru. 
Linda visits there (Amaru Spirit) every year
working with people individually and in small groups.



Level I – 2 Day Seminar:

If held here at COAH, the cost is $180 per person. This includes an organic vegetarian lunch and organic Juices.

Depending on the number of people, location and country, the cost is between $180 – $225 dollars per person.

Level II – 10 Day intensive (offered as two 5-day sessions):
The cost is $1,500, which includes a daily organic vegetarian meal, organic juices and snacks.
For those who choose to stay here at COAH, a special student discount of $35 a night is offered, which includes breakfast (limited availability).

Individual Appointments: 

When traveling overseas or out of town (during seminars), the cost consists of a sliding scale between $90 to $200 dollars.