
First Appointment: $350
this includes:

  • a comprehensive QRA testing of organs and glandular systems
  • review of the detoxification, herbal and nutritional protocols
  • an extensive Teaching Handout folder and our Recipe Book
  • approximately 4 hours set aside for first time appointments
    NOTE: After the QRA testing, a client is welcome to call as often as needed for program clarification, concerns, reinforcement of teaching, or any type of support without charge.

QRA Re-Testing: $250

  • Another comprehensive QRA Testing (a stand-alone diagnostic tool)
  • Comprehensive assessment of organs, glands, traumas sites, etc.
  • Determining the need for botanical formulas and dosage
  • Takes approximately 2 hours

Live-In Chronic Illness/Cancer Program

  • 1-Day/night plus meals: $150
    This is for those traveling here from out-of-state for QRA testing or I-packs, who need overnight accommodations. Healthy organic meals are provided. If there is a need for a second overnight, a special price of $75 dollars will be added plus cost of meals.

This does not include the cost of QRA Testing, I-Packs protocols, botanical formulas, Scenar therapies, etc.

  • 4-Day/night: $2,900 – $3,600 (sliding scale) (includes QRA testing)*
  • 5-Day: $3,700 – $4,300 (sliding scale) (includes QRA testing)*
  • 6-Day: $4,500 – $5,200 (sliding scale) (includes QRA testing)*

*Price includes QRA Testing, organic meals, and all needed therapies, assessments, etc. 

PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE BOTANICAL FORMULAS. Depending on QRA test results, the price for Botanicals (and superfoods) average $500 – $700 for the first month. Frequently the botanicals are needed for two months or more. (The price of botanicals often goes down each month).

After returning home, clients receive continous support, without charge, via phone or email. 

Please note:

  • A non-refundable deposit of $400 dollars is charged to secure your 4-5 day program. The deposit will be applied to the cost of your stay.
  • Support person discounts available. (A support person is always welcome)