Level I: 2-Day Seminar


All clients and their families are invited. You will come away with an understanding that many conditions have their root cause in acidity, toxicity and inherent weaknesses. Gaining the knowledge to help reverse these root causes is the main intent of this Level 1 seminar. Much practical guidance is presented, and the Handouts Folder and Recipe Book provided are valuable teaching tools.                                                                                                                                    

Objectives: To Increase understanding of

  • The nature of the different food groups
  • the distinction between complex sugars carbs and simple sugar carbs
  • the distinction between a detoxification protocol and lifestyle
  • The distinction between alkalinity and acidity
  • How acidity plays a part in chronic illness
  • Vitalizing the cells through nutrition
  • The Detoxification Journey
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Specific cause and effect of depression and anxiety through our hormones and the “first frontier”, the gut.
  • The Lymph Waste Removal System and its contribution to health or disease
  • Parasites, our “Janitors”
  • A Cancer Program (a good everything program)

Disclaimer: This information does not take the place of guidance from a qualified health practitioner, especially in chronically ill cases.

Schedule for 2025

  • March 8th and 9th (Saturday and Sunday)
  • August 16th and 17th (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Held both days from 10AM to 4PM EST, here at COAH
  • Contact us for reservations


If held here at COAH, the cost is $190 – $250 dollars (sliding scale). This includes an organic vegetarian lunch and organic juices both days.


Level 1 participants enjoying the front yard of COAH

Linda and student at Level 1 Seminar in Romania

Level II: 10-Day Intensive course study


Level II: Course of Study

This 10-Day Intensive Course on Detoxification, Nutrition and Holistic Practices comes with a professional manual and study guide. Organic, vegetarian meals are provided throughout the 10 days.

We enter now into study and practices based on the natural laws of nature.

Basically, this course is a review of all the major systems, along with the essential part of understanding the interconnectedness of the glands, organs and systems while looking at the body as an energetic whole.

Additionally, practical information is provided based on the full scope of what we practice here at COAH. This includes delicious organic vegetarian meals (and juices) out of COAH’s Recipe book that are provided each of the 10 days.

We believe this course is an important service and the information provided will someday be a standard part of medical practice. We do all that is possible to help you learn and retain the information provided. Our Manual and Study Guide will no doubt help you with this.

We use organic food and the “ancient healers” (plant medicines), unadulterated botanical formulas, averaging 8-12 pure herbs per formula, for cellular health and enlivenment, undefiled by excipients, chemical pesticides or any other impurities. We are reminded of the Wisdom of Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine, let medicine be thy food”.

To determine each individual’s specific need for formulas, we teach a science-based kinesiological testing procedure, based on analysis of the primary acupuncture points. This procedure is called Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA). See information about our 5-day QRA Kinesiological Testing Workshop

The usage of “tools” for assessment, for example QRA Testing, plays a critical part in providing a definitive awareness of congestive acidic toxic sites in our body that lower cellular voltage and interfere with the proper function of our organs, glands and systems. Here is where detoxification comes into play.

Additionally, we offer dietary considerations regarding the nature, chemistry and resonance of the different natural food groups for our conscious use in our physical vehicles.
We are all about simply “doing no harm” in our bodies, in our environment, in our relationships and in our thoughts.

This is a fundamental philosophy in our practice of Holistic Health.

We do not address symptoms; we work instead on a cellular level in the form of detoxing, nourishing and enlivening cellular resonance while recovering pH balance so essential to our health. This type of training can benefit anyone already practicing or interested in the use of nutrition and detoxification as powerful healing methods.

The Ancients speak of the “outer causes” and the “inner causes” of illness as being interrelated, as both are integral to our concept of Holistic Health. Thus, we must connect the “outer” physical body sciences with the more subtle “invisible forces” (such as in the electromagnetic field of our material body) to fully understand how our surroundings, thoughts and beliefs affect our wellbeing.

For example, the combination of inner and outer causes can lead to hormone imbalances which often condition our emotions, brain health and so on.

As our consciousness expands, we become aware of our physical vehicle as a “unified whole” and our perspectives of medicine become simpler, more reasonable, and more guided by the remarkable Truths within the human miracle. – linda

Special Requirements

A certificate (optional) is given AFTER completion of requirements.

  • Passing a course Exam
  • Four “shadowing” experiences with Linda during new client QRA Testing & Consultation.

Schedule for 2025

  • April 7th – 11th and April 14th – 18th (10 days with the weekend off)
  • Held each day from 10AM to 4PM EST daily, here at COAH
  • Contact us for reservations


  • Sliding Scale of $1,350 to $2,150
  • Price includes: Manual, Study Guide, COAH Recipe Book and Client Handout Folder with Thumb Drive (for Practitioner’s). Daily Meals are included in the cost (organic vegetarian meal, juices and snacks)
  • A Special half-off discount of $35 dollars per night is available for students staying here at COAH during the Seminar. Breakfast included.

COAH Manual

Continued Support after completion of Level II
Linda is always available to support and answer questions before, during, and after the Level II experience.

A professional Manual provided for Level II students, documenting and organizing lessons and practices.

“Beautifully organized, but much more than that, the content is so thorough and valuable that it promises to be a terrific resources to all of your students. Bravo!”    – Renee (proof-reader)

Testomonies about our “school”

“The opportunity to study under Linda Sheer is one of a lifetime. Linda’s commitment to her work, and commitment to bringing health and awareness into the lives of her clients is unparalleled. I received more applicable knowledge during my certification program with Linda than any other schooling or program I have experienced. Linda shares her expertise in a way that allows it to be embodied. The teachings are lived, which results in the ability to utilize the information and apply it to the lives of my clients immediately. This has been one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had the opportunity to receive.”

Brandon Barkley
Recovery Integration Coach

Click on: More testimonies about our “school”… 

5-Day QRA Kinesiological Testing Workshop


Our 5-Day Workshop involves lots of hands-on practice. It is designed for those who have completed the 10-Day Intensive Course. A QRA Testing Kit containing sample vials of all Dr. Morse’s Formulas, including Premier Research Lab (PRL) products, and more. A Manual is also provided.

There are FOUR PARTS to this workshop

1. Kinesiological Testing: A bidigital O-ring test based on analyzing the primary acupuncture points. This includes the ability to kinesiologically O-ring test identifying “strong” or “weak” energetics of most anything. For example, food, food sensitivities, hidden interference fields, hidden emotional traumas, personal products, pictures, logos, architectural structures, etc.

A certificate (optional) is provided AFTER passing a demonstration QRA℠ Testing on a Client.

2. Interference Fields (IF): We learn how to identify and eliminate Interference Fields – link. An Interference Field (IF) is an area of the body (small or large) that kinesiologically tests abnormally because of multiple factors, such as scars, physical or emotional trauma, infection, nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, etc. An Interference Field can impede the normal, healthy electromagnetic flow of the body’s acupuncture meridian system, thus creating symptomology such as a “vortex Fields” – link that leads back to harmful reflex patterns that can abnormally sedate organ/gland function. I-Pack therapy – link is used to eliminate IFs. I-packs are sometimes called mud-packing.

3. ERT℠ (Emotional Repolarization Technique)
ERT℠ is the use of procedures that can quickly and effectively help repolarize negative emotional issues, past traumas, etc.
A QCI™ (Quantum Coherence Integration) Vial is used as a bio-energetic balancing technique that can rapidly achieve quantum coherence of the biofield. An affirmation of a particular desired concept (that previously QRA℠ tested “weak”) is repeated with deep conviction while the QCI℠ Vial is placed on GV-20 acupuncture point. This procedure can dramatically repolarize negative emotions held in our biofield as well as accessing the subconscious mind, helping to “reprograming” new positive behaviors.

The QCI℠ Vial contains a unique blend of highly paramagnetic and diamagnetic substances held in a quart glass vial. When the QCI ℠ Vial is placed in contact with GV-20 the QCI℠ Vial immediately begins to initiate a dramatic quantum effect on the biofield thus, enhancing the Emotional Repolarization Effect.

Suggested reading: Dr. Bruce Lipton’s book, Biology of Belief (10th edition).

4. Vastu Energetics
Vastu is a term used to denote the ancient doctrine of creating superior building energetics both inside and outside a building. The goal is to give the residents of a building the most harmonious bioenergetic fields to promote superior health, longevity and prosperity. This Includes how to remediate energetically the whole house and yard, etc.

Schedule for 2025

  • January 28 to February 1st (Tuesday to Saturday)
    • November 12 to 16th (Wednesday to Sunday) 
    • 10am to 4pm 
  • Contact us for scheduling


  • Sliding Scale of $480 to $750.
  • Testing Kit, Manual, and Meals are included in the cost. (daily organic vegetarian meals and juices)
  • A Special half-off discount of $35 dollars per night is available for students staying here at COAH during the Workshop. Breakfast included.


Linda, talking to a small group at a healing center in the jungle of Peru. 
Linda visits there (Amaru Spirit) every year
working with people individually and in small groups.