Linda Sheer
The journey to radiant health begins with the realization of the body, mind, spirit connection
Linda Sheer, BSN, RN, CMTA is founder and director of Center of Awakened Health (COAH) in North Carolina, USA.
This journey has taken me through allopathic medicine as a registered nurse and nurse instructor to holistic health practices, (a 40-year journey) and has been continuing into the esoteric (inner world) sciences (a soul attraction) that began in 1993. As a researcher of truth, I have been traveling for years (annually) to Cyprus to benefit from the teachings of one who has mastered the elements of time and space, a beloved, humble teacher of the esoteric sciences. We have integrated some of these teachings which always point to the true Way of service and love. The path has now led me to this perhaps “last service” called a Level II Intensive, along with the Manual and Study Guide.
As our consciousness expands, we become aware of our physical vehicle as a “unified whole” and our perspectives of medicine become simpler and more reasonable.
Linda has presented seminars in 5 countries thus far, reaching out to fellow practitioners, healers and those seeking to take conscious responsibility for their health. She has developed several training programs which include a Whole Food Plant Diet recipe book, a Client Handout folder and an extensive Manual for the advanced Level II study course.
A partial list of her qualifications include:
- Founder of COAH School of Natural Health (certification programs)
- Licensed, Registered Nurse in North Carolina
- Certificated Metabolic Typing Advisor (CMTA)
- Advanced Level Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) practitioner
- Over 40 years’ experience teaching health food preparation and “indoor farming” (sprouts, etc.) We now provide a recipe book, sharing our easy, delicious organic, oil-free raw dressings and vegetable meals.
- Student/protégé of Harvey Lisle, author of “Enlivened Minerals”, nationally known authority on composting, and specialist in testing food for human consumption
- Four-year internship with Dr. Ann Wigmore, original founder of Hypocrites Health Institute. (She was Linda’s first teacher/mentor in the field of “nutritional healing” over 40 years ago.)
- International Detox Certification under Dr. Robert Morse, who holds degrees in Biochemistry, Naturopathy, iridologist; and is also a master herbalist
- Over 20 years mentorship in “Hands-on Healing Practices” from a beloved soul-conscious being, the late Rev Richard Smith, Director of Center of Eternal Light.
- Instructor and continuous student of esoteric spiritual practices and meditation
In addition:
- Former clinical nurse instructor
- Former Director of Center Operations for dozens of Weight Loss Medical Centers throughout the United States where she presented national seminars on weight management
- Experienced bio-dynamic /organic gardener
Saint Jeffrey
the multi-tasking heart
behind the scene:
Business/financial management,
tech support, maintenance,
compassionate listener.
Jeff is also a Gemologist.
And somehow, he still finds time to be
majorly active in community service.
Jeffrey has the ability (extraordinaire!) to turn seriousness into humor.
We often hear him singing as he enters
the door.